Monday, April 14, 2008

4th Day, Renovating New Orleans

Today we met a couple different residents that have had their homes renovated with the group Rebuilding Together. Rebuilding Together renovates the homes that are still able to be brought back. The first gentleman we met was Sydney Davis. His home had water to the roof line. His cousin and Mr. Davis was rescued from their home, I believe a couple of days after the storm hit. They then stayed a week at the Super dome till they were sent to Texas. Mr. Davis should now be back into his home. When we visited him they were almost finished. They thought there was about 2 weeks left of work to do on the home. Both Mr. Davis and his cousin, who's name I didn't catch, were having their homes renovated. Their homes were built mainly by volunteers and by donations. The money that was received from Road home was just not enough to cover the expense of rebuilding. While we were visiting with Mr. Davis I met a gentleman that was part of the contractors. He told me a story that was so amazing its just crazy as to how these people survived. He told me that he has cockatoos and was told that he had to leave his pets in order to go to the Super Dome, he decided that he was not going to leave his pets and decided to take the birds and head for dry land. He found dry land and had to stay awake at night and throw water filled cans of coke at the rats crawling up the rope to the boat so they wouldn't eat his birds. He than slept in the mornings. Once he told his story I was amazed and couldn't imagine myself in that position.

After visiting with Mr. Davis we went to the Renovating New Orleans warehouse. Where they sold pieces that had been salvaged from homes that could be used in new renovations. It was a great place to see old pieces being reused.

The second home we visited was just in the beginning stages of being renovated. We did not meet the homeowner but we did meet the group that was there for their spring break. The groups name was Hillel and they were based out of San Diego. They were all student from the U of San Diego.

The next home we visited was the home of Anise Gibbs in Holly Grove. Her home was completely funded by the Seattle Seahawks. They donated over 80,000 dollars. She had just moved into her home. She had only slept there one night. We were excited just to meet her. She kept telling us that we needed to "trust the Lord and to live one day at a time."

After, we went back to the hotel and did a critique and had lunch. We than headed over to Algiers, where the assignment was 5x5. We were to take 5 people pictures and 5 architecture. I believe I was the most with 4 people. I met Clarence, Mike, Doris and forgot to get my last persons name. But still was able to get almost 5 people.
I think that is everything from that day.

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