Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 2, Not such an early day

Today we went to the parish Holy Cross. The neighborhood is slowly coming back on its feet but it is taking a while. Some of the pictures I included are in that area. I didn't take as many pictures of the larger picture. I am more of the details that are often missed in the area.

After, we had lunch we went to the Ogden Museum. The museum is a center for Southern arts. It has art from artist that are from the South and art that was been done about the South.

After the museum we went down to the French Quarter to do photographs of street performers. I did some of bands playing down there and some kids skateboarding down off the river.

The next thing we did was architecture in the French Quarter. I thought I got some amazing images but that is my opinion. Than after a late night of downloading all of my images we went off to bed and i snored my way to the next early morning.

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